Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Coastal modules for gaming ...

While I was in the mood on Sunday I decided to do the new 'island/coast' modules for my gaming table, so I could have a continual coast along the whole table (yep I have a weird sized table, 2ft11in by 7ft 5in with backscene and the backscene corners are curved - it fits the space available !). I built a couple of  spacers for the curved corners and a long 3x2ft section with removable 'beach', to go with two of my existing 2ft wide modules. New modules were made using 3mm mdf and timber frame

New modules nearing end of construction, showing centre one about to get its mdf top.
new modules assembled and trial fitted (house for rough idea of scale) ..
and finally new modules covered in green fabric to match the rest - ready for scenic bits !


Monty said...

Wow, that's what I call a dedicated board; nice one!

Paul said...

Nice work Alan. Very resourceful.