Sunday, June 5, 2022

Making a vineyard ....

Can't be somewhere in France without a vineyard, so decided to make one. The plan was to use only stuff I had to hand (and buy nothing new !) I'd looked at some examples online of others who made vineyard bases for inspiration.

I decided on 12 bases, each about 8.5 inches long.

First up was the base, thin card with a top part made from coffee stirrers. The holes for the posts and vines were marked out and drilled. Then first job was to put in the posts.

After that I added two training wires using some thin scale ship rigging rope (cotton thread would have done)
Next step add the woody parts of the vines. For this I cut up some old plastic trees into suitable pieces ...
I had just enough to do all 12 bases... 
All the pieces got a wash of brown on the posts and the vine wood painted brown too..
Adding the foliage, I decided on using the pieces off old plastic trees ...
Having added all the plastic tree pieces, one problem a gap along the top ...
the gaps were filled in with loads of little bits of left over foliage clump
to blend together the plastic pieces and foliage clumps, painted over with leaf green

Finally an earth mix for the central part of the bases of the vineyard sections and some static grass round the outside... all done...

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